Friday, February 28, 2014

February 2014

NWU Students Post Big Fat Greek GPA
We've long known that Nebraska Wesleyan's Greek system is filled with strong students. The North-American Interfraternity Conference Just provided another way to prove it. It released a list of the continent's top fraternity community GPAs for the 2012-2013 academic year, and Nebraska Wesleyan University ranks fifth. So who are we behind?
  1. Rockhurst University 3.46
  2. Washington University 3.44
  3. Vanderbilt University 3.405
  4. University of Pennsylvania 3.366
  5. NWU 3.32 
So where does Theta Chi fall in the ranks? 3.36 GPA!

Men of Theta Chi


Name: Connor Bohlken
Hometown: Syracuse, NE
Graduation Year: 2016
Pledge Name: Johnny B
Major: Math and Physics
Ideal Job: Farmer
Hobbies: Running Track and Cross Country for the NWU Prairie Wolves, reading large tomes, and socializing.
Memory: When we had a race between two guys in the house last spring it was quite the spectacle to behold. We went up to the track to make it a level playing field, and there was a little kid track meet going on, so we went to the backstretch of the track. Right before the race it started pouring rain, so one of the racists (racers? who knows) took his shirt off. At the end of the track there were several small children who were cowering in fear because of the hairy, wet, shirtless man that had just ran towards them victorious. Needless to say, it was pretty entertaining.


Name:  Ben Gotschall    
Hometown: Atkinson, Nebraska
Currently resides:  Raymond, Nebraska
NWU graduation year, or years attended: Attended Fall of ’98 to Winter ’03       
Pledge name:  Newman
Occupation:  Energy Director at Bold Nebraska, Rancher, Cheesemaker, Writer
Spouse:  fiancé Tammy Austin
Children:  none
Pets:  Lots of livestock: Cows, horses, goats, dogs and a donkey
Hobbies: playing music, hunting, fishing, writing, 
Activities of Interest: Excited to be participating in the 2014 Young Climate Leader program
Memory/story of Theta Chi that can be publicly posted on website;)

Living in the house was always an interesting experience, with Monday night meetings and the weekly Critic. Aside from the annual Back 2 School Bashes I would say the Pledge Sneak trip to visit the Theta Chi chapter at Central Missouri State University was a pretty fun time.

Board member

Name: Kale Burdick
Hometown: Johnstown, NE
Currently resides: Lincoln, NE
NWU graduation year: 2008
Pledge name: Laser
Occupation: Assistant Nebraska Attorney General – Criminal Prosecution Division
Spouse: Kayla Tryon (fiancé)
Children: none
Pets: none
Hobbies: Home improvement projects
Activities of Interest: Hunting, shooting, really anything outdoors
Memory/story of Theta Chi that can be publicly posted on website;)
There are way too many to list here, but some that stick out in my mind occurred on our trips to visit the brothers at the Epsilon Phi chapter at the University of Central Missouri. Those were always fun trips, and it was nice to get to know other Theta Chis from the region.