Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 2016, School's out & Summer plans

Well wouldn't you know a storm hit Lincoln again. It seems like this happens every year. Hey it is Nebraska so if you don't like the weather just wait 10 minutes, it will change. In the last couple of days we have had around 10 inches of rain, softball sized hail, flash flooding and at least two tornadoes. Don't worry the guys are safe and the house has held up well. Do you remember a couple of years ago we had a 100 year flood. Well, the basement flooded right after the chapter installed a new wood floor and remodeled the basement game room. The stairwell filled up with water, about 4-5 feet of water and the door could not hold back the pressure and started to leak. A plan was put into place to add a sump pump to the stairwell, 50 plus years of draining and the dry well had filled up with silt & sediment. Senior Dylann Oates and his grandfather installed the pump and routed the drain to the street. As impressive as that is they also fabricated and installed the handrails to the front of the house. (see picture below) Room #1 received a new window (also pictured) to match the rest of the house this past fall. No more leaks! And if you remember we installed the gutter system not that long ago.

Theta Chi & Strategic Planning

Now when is the last time you heard those two phrases together? This past February the Building Corporation and Alumni Association along with selective alumni and the executive committee of the the Gamma Phi Chapter sat down to hash out a strategic plan.
We covered over 18 categories with objectives, strategies and actions steps. To find the best way the alumni and building corporation could help the active chapter. We covered everything from finances, recruitment, house repairs, house improvements to bylaws. (I know that last one makes you wish you were there!)
A comprehensive maintenance and repair manual was created as well as some new responsibilities for the House Manager to keep our house running as best as it can. A future email about the Alumni/Active workday will spell out some of the maintenance and repairs that will be happening during the week of August 11-14th, 2016. So you will not want to miss getting your hands dirty.

2016 Alumni/Active Workday
August 11-14, 2016
Steve Wylie '65, will be organizing yet another workday to chip away at the extensive Corrective Maintenance Plan. No experience needed, if you can't show up to lend some elbow grease we sure could use a one-time donation to buy supplies.

Homecoming 2016
Saturday September 24th
9-10:45 am
Honor classes:
10 year - 2006
25 year - 1991
50 year - 1966
The Homecoming parade will drive by the South lawn of the fraternity at the conclusion of our open house (about 10:45 a.m.) We will plan on watching the parade from there at that time.