Thursday, October 14, 2021

HOCO 2021

Homecoming event at the Gamma Phi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity

October 10, 2021

Following a very nice All Class Reunion at the Lincoln Country Club the previous evening the Theta Chis convened at our fraternity house for our 2021 Homecoming event at which we had a good attendance.

The actives, led by Alumni Chair, Rolf Kloch, hosted our alumni, guests and the other active members and pledges of the Gamma Phi chapter with coffee, Danish, croissants and fresh fruit. And the Theta Chis had the house looking great!

For the program I led off with my favorite: “Welcome to the mortgage free Theta Chi House” something that can be said since the “burning of the mortgage” celebration during the 2017 Homecoming gathering. A review of the history of Theta Chi International and our Gamma Phi chapter dating back to 1889 and the Dialectics Literary Society was provided with a mention of some of our notable alums such as US Senator Carl Curtis, Ralph Brooks, the 29th Governor of Nebraska, and Dick Meyer the long time National Secretary of Theta Chi.

Gamma Phi President Kyle Goodban, then gave a report on the many accomplishments of the outstanding young men at the fraternity. (Please see his attached write up.)

My later reminder was that with the “singular” Theta Chi International awards that our men have received, they have competed with the other 8,700 Theta Chi undergraduates! Specifically in the last 7 years, winners of the Shug Jordan Student Athlete of the Year went to brothers Derrick Kay, baseball, Connor Bohlken, track and cross country, Dan Novinski, swimming and Carter Lyons in swimming. The Colley Award to the most outstanding undergraduate student twice has gone to a Gamma Phi, Dan Novinski in 2019 and last year to Hunter Smith! Our “award winning” Chapter Advisor and House Director, Dustin Bartley was congratulated and thanked for his mentoring leading to these awards received by our young men.

Next on the program was Dr. Andrew Coughlin, President of the Theta Chi Building Corporation who first asked for a very moving “moment of silence” in remembrance of brother Steve Wylie who passed on to Chapter Eternal as a result of Covid some six months ago. Steve led the Building Corporation for six years and did a remarkable job. A year ago, a smooth transition of the leadership to brother Andrew had been made. An attractive new Alumni Showcase has been installed in the house as a memorial to brother Wylie.

Not surprisingly, Andrew reported there are needs at our 65 year old fraternity house such as updating the kitchen, including the replacement of the dish sanitizer (est. $4,000,) and reinforcement needs on several of the below grade cement house walls. I understand he and Secretary of the Alumni Association, Trent Maly are discussing with NWU how they might work with the university on this aspect.

Trent, who is normally in attendance at Homecoming could not do so this year as he was attending the funeral service in Lyons, NE for his grandmother. With that, in addition to my Alumni Association report he asked me to give an update on our Theta Chi Scholarship Fund. In this fund we have two options for gifts, a fixed account the funds of which are in the Adams State Bank or the flexible account with the availability of the American Mutual Funds. The latter option was put in place by brother Neal Thomas who passed on to Chapter Eternal about a year ago. Information on how to make supporting gifts for either the Alumni Association or the Scholarship Fund can be obtained from me or Trent.

For the Alumni Association report the upcoming events were outlined. They were the 4.0 Luncheon in January 2022 for those brothers who obtained a 4.0 grade average in the previous semester, the Biennial All Gamma Phi Reunion which will be held in beautiful Monterey, California June 21 -25, 2022, hosted by brother Jerry Burge, class of 1961. Also, there is a good possibility of a special Founders Day observance in April 2022 at a steak house in Ashland, NE (midpoint between Omaha and Lincoln) with a little competition between the two areas for best alumni attendance. More details to follow on these events. Also, the new initiative, the Sentimental Sweethearts of Theta Chi (SSTC) was explained, perhaps best illustrated by the 38 surviving spouses of fallen brothers. SSTC is led by Vonda Mays of Tampa, FL, wife of Don Mays who passed on to Chapter Eternal on January 1, 2020. Sweetheart, Mary Rutledge Holt ‘63 surviving spouse of Chuck Holt ’64 was in attendance Saturday.

Next, it was my sincere pleasure to introduce you to your new President of the Theta Chi Alumni Association, Greg Bergt, class of 1971. Greg is a member of our Theta Chi Alumni Association board of directors. He and his wife Diann, who reside in Omaha, are strong supporters of Nebraska Wesleyan and are members of the university’s Huntington Society. Brother Bergt made some well received introductory remarks to the Homecoming attendees. He remains very involved in his international consulting business and with that asked me to continue my communication with our 1,225 alums. (With the length of this Homecoming recap, he may regret making that request!) Welcome President Bergt!

The final presenter was none other than the President of Nebraska Wesleyan, Dr. Darrin Good, who despite his very busy weekend schedule accepted our invitation to join us.

His excellent update on the university and his supportive comments on the Greek system at Nebraska Wesleyan were very much appreciated.

Please let me, Trent, Greg or Andrew know if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding our Alumni Association.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Clark

Theta Chi Alumni Association – NWU

PS: Please remember Theta Chi in your legacy planning.



Dear Alumni,

Thank you for joining us today! This afternoon, we will showcase our recent accomplishments - many of which would not be possible without your generous and continued support. We hope you enjoy your time spent with us!

It has been a very eventful year in 2021, so here’s a quick recap of Spring 2021 and a glimpse into Fall 2021!

♦ The brothers achieved continued academic excellence! 19 brothers had over a 3.75 GPA, nine brothers had a perfect 4.00 GPA, our Chapter GPA was a 3.62, and 98% of our Chapter achieved over a 3.00 for the Spring semester!

♦ International Theta Chi Awards

Chapter Achievement Award (Top 5 chapters out of 163)

o Colley Award Winner – Hunter Smith

o Citation of Honor – Dustin Bartley, Chapter Adviser

♦ Greek Week Awards (Spring 2021):

Chapter President of the Year (Hunter), Greek Man of the Year (Hunter)

♦ House Improvements

o New blinds in all of the rooms, finishing bathroom remodels, brand new tables for the kitchen, new ping-pong table, new alumni trophy case, and repainted door jambs, conference room, part of the basement and the front doors, oh my!

o Beginning the process of remodeling the kitchen and replacing upstairs couches!

♦ Service and Philanthropy

o Raised over $1,500 dollars for the United Service Organization (USO) o Planning on having several philanthropies this semester

o T-Shirt Philanthropy to benefit the USO

♦ Sacred Purpose – Health and Safety Initiative

o Hazing Prevention – Dustin Bartley

o Fire Health and Safety – Lincoln Fire Department

o Two more on the way!

♦ Recruitment Efforts: 11 pledges out of 29, largest pledge class out of the three fraternities!

As you can tell, there has been no rest for the men of Theta Chi. I am incredibly proud of the hard work these guys have put forth, and I hope you are, too. Thank you all for your continued care and support for this Chapter. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Kyle R. Goodban, President