Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Scholarship Foundation Year End Ask

 Hello Fraternity Brothers, 

My name is Brian Grummert, I am the current Scholarship Foundation Board President.  The Scholarship Foundation supports the academic scholarships of Theta Chi Fraternity Gamma Phi chapter.  During the Fall ’20 and Spring ’21 semesters, 18 active Gamma Phi Brothers qualified for a scholarship.  This resulted in a granted scholarship total of $4,200.   
The charitable contributions of alumni, undergraduates, parents and friends, are what allow us to continue to provide these scholarships.  The Chapter is having an amazing number of actives with 3.0+ GPAs each semester.  For example, in Spring ’21 alone we had 98% of our Chapter achieve over 3.00 for the semester.   
Prior to this most recent check being written, we had approximately $17,500 in our bank account.  We also have a Capital Bank and Trust fund, but we use it for investment growth purposes and hope to not touch this fund unless necessary.  In order to be able to continue giving out the number of scholarships at the current rate we will need as much support as possible.  Our Treasurer, Corbin Ottemann, is running the numbers and we hope to give a better breakdown of what we need to maintain a solid foundation for our scholarship foundation.   
The difference for you between donating to the Scholarship Board versus the other Gamma Phi chapter groups is scholarship donations are tax-deductible because we are a Non-Profit.  If you wish to donate now, here is how you can contribute to the NWU Theta Chi Scholarship Fund: 

Payable to: NWU Theta Chi Scholarship Fund
c/o Karl Gramann
PO Box 106
Adams, NE 68301-0106

Payable to: Capital Bank & Trust (memo line: acct. #4000764823)
American Funds Service Company
PO Box 6007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6007

Contributions to both accounts are tax-deductible.

Brian Grummert ‘08 
President - NWU Theta Chi Scholarship Board