Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Workdays Recap

2018 Active/Alumni Work Weekend

This year’s Work Weekend was a big success. The Actives and Alums were able to address the annual clean up of the house and yard as well as some needed upgrades. Virtually every space was cleaned, straightened or addressed in some fashion.

The Conference Room received a new coat of paint through the efforts of the dynamic painting team of alums Doug Heim, Bill Nelson and Joe Roberts. Alum Bill Shreffler took the lead in repairing several doors. Alums Andrew Coughlin and Dustin Bartley were helpful in grooming the yard and flower beds. This included a new edger, which provided a nice touch to the sidewalks. Joel Brown, a new alum, once again applied the kitchen cleaning skills he so aptly has shown in the past. In addition, one of the active’s dads, Jarry Lassek, installed three new sleeping lofts.

The greatest praise, however, goes to the members, under the leadership of President Novinski, who diligently participated in picking-up, sweeping and organizing the house’s closets, storage areas, meeting rooms and other spaces for the upcoming year. A big task!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this activity this year. The improvements to the house and yard over the past few years is quite evident and the chapter’s ability and desire to maintain the property at a higher standard is greatly appreciated by the Building Corporation.

I look forward to next year’s work weekend.

Steve Wylie
Theta Chi Building Corporation